Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Solid Principles (SOLID)


SOLID basically contains five design principles to make a software deign more maintainable and extendable as per future need.

S - Single Responsibility Principle : 

Single responsibility principles says that every java class must have perform single responsibility, lets take a example of e-commerce,  if class is meant for excepting order it should not perform stuff related to payment or send sms. 

- Open Closed Principle:

This principle says that any module should be open for extension but closed for modification.

Suppose class A has a function to calculate area of square only but if some class B want to use this but need to calculate the area of some other shape. In this case class A needs to update but this will violates the open closed principle because we are modifying the class.

To achieve this principle, Class/interface need to define in such a way that another class can extend and provide extended functionality. 

- Leskov's Substitution Principle: 

Any subclass object should be substitute for its superclass object.

- Interface Segregation Principle:

Interface should not force its implementaion class to use that methods which has no significance for the class.

Like if we say Payment Interface has methods DebitCardPayment(), WalletPayment() & CreditCardPayment().

Class DebitCardPayment implements Payment 

Then in this case it also needs to provide implementation for WalletPayment() & CreditCardPayment() which is of no use for class DebitCardPayment. So iterface should be segregated. 

- Dependency Inversion Principle:

Define a abstraction between declaration and details, this removes the tight coupling and provide loose coupling.

Instead of referencing  a implementation class use interface reference.

example : Let's we have Payment class and make payment with debit, credit card.

Class PaymentImpl{

DebitCard card;

public void PaymentImpl( DebitCard debitCard){

this.card = debitCard;


This will work for debit card but for credit card you need to change class. So this violates Dependency Inversion principle.

Correct way :

You need to create a Interface PaymentMethod that will be implement by DebitCard & CreditCard class.

Class PaymentImpl{

PaymentMethod card;

public void PaymentImpl( PaymentMethod card){

this.card = card;


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